They glorify (Him) [the] night and [the] day, not they slacken.
they extol His limitless glory by night and by day, never flagging [therein]
They glorify (Him) night and day; they flag not
They celebrate His praises night and day, nor do they ever flag or intermit
They glorify ˹Him˺ day and night, never wavering.
They exalt His limitless glory day and night, [and] do not grow weary.
they glorify Him night and day without tiring
They glorify (Him) by night and day; they are never languid
They glorify Him nighttime and daytime. They never decrease.
they celebrate [Him] night and day; they never pause.
They (the angels) glorify Him night and day, they never pause.
They glorify night and day, without tiring
They glorify night and day, without ceasing.
They praise night and day, without ever tiring
They glorify (Him) night and day (and) they never slacken
They glorify Him night and day; and do not pause
They extol (Him) by night and by daytime (and) they do not flag
They glorify Him day and night without fail
They proclaim His purity night and day, never slackening
They (extol His Glory) strive night and day towards the fulfillment of His plan and do not pause
All day and all night, they chant His praises. They do not relent
They celebrate His praises night and day, nor do they ever get tired or slip
They exalt [Him] night and day [and] do not slacken
They glorify in the night and the day, they do not cease.
they glorify Him tirelessly night and day
And they hallow Him night and day, and they flag not
Nor cease to endeavour praising Him night and day
They glorify Him by night and day, without ever flagging.
They glorify Him by night and day (proclaiming that He is absolutely exalted above any shortcoming or need of partners or doing pointless things), and never show tiredness and never lose zeal
They glorify [Him] night and day, and they do not flag
They glorify Him by night and day without intermission
They glorify (Him) night and day, and they do not slack off.
They praise Him night and day, and they do not let up
They are always glorifying Him, night and day, never growing weary.
They glorify Him night and day, without flagging
They glorify in the night and the day, they do not cease.
They glorify Allah, night and day, without a break
They glorify Him night and day and intermit not.
They glorify night and day, without ever tiring.
They never fail to exalt Him either at night or in the day
They glorify (Him) night and day: they flag not
They praise/glorify (during) the night and the daytime, they do not subside/abate
They are never tired of worshipping Him day and night
They say His Purity night and day, and do not slacken
They glorify HIM night and day; and they flag not
They glorify (Him) night and day ceaselessly, and do not observe even a momentary pause
They glorify (Him) night and day (and) they flag not
They (i.e. the angels) glorify His Praises night and day, (and) they never slacken (to do so)
glorifying Him by night and in the daytime and never failing
They praise Him night and day: They faint not
They celebrate His praises by night and day without intermission
They praise Him night and day: they rest not
They praise Him night and day, tirelessly
They glorify across the day and across the night, they do not slack
They celebrate His praise and declare His absolute majesty and glory night and day without showing any sign of fatigue, or losing enthusiasm.
They glorify night and day without slowing down.
They give due exaltation (to Him) night and day, never tiring.
They celebrate [His glory] night and day, without pause.
they celebrate [Him] night and day; they never pause.
And for Him whoever is in the skies and the earth. And whoever is at Him is not arrogant about worshiping Him, nor they are wearying.
They extol His limitless glory by night and day, tirelessly.
they glorify God unceasingly. by night and by day.
The night and the day they glorify (tasbih) Him (by fulfilling their creational purpose) continually!
They glorify (Him) by night and day; they never intermit
They .celebrate and glorify their Creator and extol His glorious attributes night and day and they never lose vigour, grow dull nor do they lose interest
And whoever (or whatever) is in the skies and the earth is His and those who are with Him do not consider themselves great to serve Him nor/are they tired.
They glorify night and day, they do not pause.
They celebrate His praises night and day, nor do they ever flag or intermit
They glorify (Him) [the] night and [the] day, not they slacken
Yusabbihoona allayla waalnnahara la yafturoona
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